I promised to publish the results of the recent consultation about the options for controlled parking in the roads around Carshalton railway station.
Most residents came out against the two proposals of residents’ permits or one-hour restricted parking. However, the roads immediately adjacent to the station came out in favour and so we need to work with officers to see if anything can be done to help residents there.
Colston Avenue came out with a split vote. I suspect much of the desire for change comes from the badly designed parking regime there which I am pleased is to be changed anyway. Yellow lines will stop cars from parking on the road, whilst pavement parking will remain. This will keep some parking whilst allowing traffic to flow along Colston Avenue. It will be kept under review to determine whether priority arrows need to be added or other modifications are required.
I have uploaded the spreadsheet of the road by road results which you can see here.
YOu dont need to have all day parking restrictions to stop station parking
Just have normal parking all day, but residents parking from say 12 till 2pm
The all day parkers cant qualify
The area just needs patrolling for a short time
residents who are at work and dont need to part through the day dont need to buy a permit
works elsewhere – think about it
Thanks for the comment. This was an option that I insisted was included in the consultation. It isn’t without it’s own problems but as you say has some significant benefits.
I am a local resident living in one of the streets adjacent to the railway station.
Parking has become harder and harder over the past 5 years; new developments with limited new parking spaces, revised parking restrictions on North Street, and what seems like a greater demand to use our streets to park for the station has meant that parking anywhere near our street and house is impossible.
Some form of CPZ is needed although finding a scheme that will work will be difficult as it is clear that with number of residents cars far outweighs spaces on the streets. Personally I feel that doing nothing is not an option as things are simply going to get worse and worse. We once lived in Clapham where a CPZ was introduced for similar reasons with great success I just hope the same happens in Carshalton.
I also live in on one of the streets adjacent to the station and I completely agree with the previous comment, parking has become worse over the past 18 months and it is now impossible.
Recent developments past by the Council are proving a real head ache, cars are being left for weeks on end without being moved, as a result there are not any parking options especially now recent retrictions have been added to Honeywood Walk. Put simply, where are we supposed to park?
I totally agree with the above, and based on the number of responses to the survey that did hope for improvements to be made, clearly there is a demand to do something to improve parking. Are other options, such as increasing the number of parking bays along Mill Lane being considered?
I also completely agree with the comments above. We love the area but the parking is simply impossible.
The unpopular Beechwood Court development (that was neither sustainable or affordable) have made parking on the surround streets completely impossible and with more flats sold this will just get worse. Are there any plans to help the streets around the station? Surly something needs to be done.
I also agree with the comments above. It is clear that there is considerable support for a scheme and the current problems are only getting worse. The council only seem to be making things harder for residents and double parking has become common place.
Surly some sort of scheme around the station is needed!
Like all the comments above it is clear that some thing needs to be done in Carshalton to ease the parking problems that are part born from the Council restrictions and planning legislations. What seems clear is that Council workers, policy makers, and Councillors are not Carshalton residents! I just hope that soon some common sense is used and for once someone thinks on behalf of the residents for a change! Any form of CPZ will be most welcome!
I moved to the area 2 years ago and living very close to Carshalton railway station I have noticed parking has become worse and worse. Having spoken to a neighbour I learnt of 2 planning applications for flats that most residents rejected were approved by the Council, apparently these developments are adding to the parking problems. Also having looked through the results all roads close to the station where residents do not have their down drive were in favour of a CPZ scheme. Surly some scheme must be tabled to help local residents rather than just developers?
Why was a CPZ rejected? Parking is simply impossible and the council seem only to be making matters worse. Surly a CPZ in areas close to the station is needed urgently!
A CPZ is needed urgently!! Parking is a joke and the council seem to be doing nothing to help residents!
The parking is getting worse and worse around the train station. The CPZ was rejected by streets where the majority of residents have their own drive. Surly a scheme that helps the streets close to the station is in order?