Two stories that I have read today and
then thrown away (having completed a risk assessment, applied for a waste licence with the commensurate fee and written to the Secretary of State in triplicate):-
From the Sunday Telegraph:
Havant council spent 34p on a letter demanding payment of a 1p tax bill. Guy Shepperd, 36, of Horndean, Hants, was told he could pay by instalments.
From Private Eye:
Citywest Homes, the “arm’s length” company which manages Westminster council’s housing stock, is inviting oldies to get in touch if they need any help with a variety of tasks, including “filling in forms”. To avail themselves of the service all the tenants have to do is, er, fill in a form!
There was also a case recently where a man had erroneously been listed as “deceased” on his Councils register. Mr “X”, very honestly, reported the matter as he received no Council Tax demands etc and he was re-instated or “re-amimated” whichever is more appropriate! The department head, saw that Mr “X” was back from the dead and reversed the decision rendering the unfortunate man officially available to join the choir invisible again. He rang up in the end and, despite seemingly valid entreaties to his existence, the officer would not accept that he was alive! As far as I know, this man is still officially “dead”, has no Council Tax liability and, I would imagine, may have extreme difficulties when it comes to claiming his pension! I would love to know if he still holds down a job!
How bad is the scourge of red tape in the London borough of Sutton, Councillor Scully? It is difficult for me to gauge as a resident.
Paul – completely off-topic. Hope you haven’t got any relatives in Burma affected by the recent cyclone. If you have, then please accept my sympathies.
Thanks for the kind thought David. I don’t have any close relatives there as they all moved away in the 60s. However, my uncle has family in Rangoon and I have not heard any news either way. He has travelled to Burma to visit, but has to lie, saying that he is just a tourist otherwise he would not be allowed a visa to visit family.