I have co-signed two letters that were printed in The Guardian newspaper in the past week calling for action for Rohingya Muslims and Yazidi refugees.
The letter on Yazidi refugees, published here, calls on the Government to extend resettlement scheme to members of Iraq’s Yazidi community, many of whom have suffered rape, torture and sexual slavery.
The letter on Rohingya Muslims, published here, calls for a unified diplomatic effort to call for humanitarian access to the Rakhine State of Burma (Myanmar) where Rohingya Muslims are facing awful human rights abuses. When I went to visit Burma, the country where my father was born, earlier this year, I used it as an opportunity to discuss issues of human rights abuses, including those of Rohingya Muslims, with the organisations and politicians I met there, including Aung San Suu Kyi herself.
You can find out more about what I am calling for by reading the letters on The Guardian website. I hope that action will be taken, and soon, to support Yazidis and Rohingyas who are facing a dire situation.