Sutton hosted a festival called “Move it at the Manor” today. Helping to promote Smarter Travel Sutton, the project to encourage people out of their cars, the event had an impressive centre piece of town centre cycle races. Less impressive was the filler in the sandwich that was the Councillors’ race. Four councillors and one guest celebrity, Castaway’s Ben Fogle, cycled down St Nicholas Way and up the High Street which had been cordoned off.
It was only when I was in some discomfort chasing Ben Fogle up the hill that I remembered that he had recently rowed naked across the Atlantic. Therefore although fully clothed this time, he was very fit. It was little surprise that he won.
It was tremendous fun for a good cause although my daughter immediately commandered my medal when I got home. Unicyclists, plenty of stalls, treasure hunts and Caribbean food entertained the good turnout on one of the few sunny days of the summer. After we had departed the cycling course wheezing, the professionals showed the crowd how to do it with one of the Women’s Road Race Series tearing up and down Sutton for a whole hour. I’m glad I managed to finish the one 5 minute lap.
Fogle won, but no matter who would have won, by fair means or foul, where on earth did that guy to the left of Fogle get THAT shirt!
…I want one.
Is that the Peter Geiringer who eats all the biscuits on the bike?
I think Cllr Crowley will be devastated to be confused with Cllr Geiringer.
Come to think of it, there is a resemblance…
I think Cllr Crowley looks fetching in his outfit, but Cllr Geiringer would look even more so. I have long been an admirer of his (from afar) and had the pleasure once of seeing him on a cruise in his swimwear. Despite the remarks about his size and his eating habits I’ve always had a keen eye for sexy men such as Cllr Geiringer. Is he married perchance?
I too have had sensual feelings about Cllr Geiringer. I believe it is his sheer size that turns women on. He may not be large in politics anymore, but I bet he’s akin to an Australian. Big Down Under.
Well I’m afraid he doesn’t turn me on. Mind you nothing does when connected to politicians. They are just so boring.
I like Cllr Geiringer too – but from a different perspective!