BBC London picked up on the story about cutbacks in services ending the traditional marking of the 2 minute silence and put it as their main headline on Saturday evening. By the time ITV called the police whilst researching the story, they were told that the firing of two maroons at 11am and 11.02am would go ahead. Rumours that since they couldn’t fire Sir Ian Blair, someone wanted to fire something were wide of the mark. Anyway, job done, sanity restored.
I went to the ceremony at the war memorial on Carshalton ponds this morning and joined around 250 people in paying tribute to those who enable us to have the freedoms that we enjoy today. This blog is one such freedom. I’ll finish with a passage that was read by Father John Thewlis of All Saints Church, Carshalton who lead the ceremony. It is the Kohima Epitaph on the World War II memorial for the Allied fallen at the battle of Kohima, a crucial battle in the Burma campaign.
“When You Go Home, Tell Them Of Us And Say,
For Their Tomorrow, We Gave Our Today.”
Excellent!!!! No more politically correct bullsh*t from our Council!!! 🙂
I just cant believe they considered dispencing with this tradition in the first place, I’m going to write to the local papers, its an outrage.
its downright insensitive, very well done Tory councillors for bringint this to the lime light. judging from the bang this morning you guys clinched a u turn from them!!!
Keep up the good work
Obviously Cllr Scully will give his full backing to the Royal British Legion, and now become a member. It’s only £17.50 per annum, peanuts for a councillor paid £20,000 per annum, with a job at the Houses of Parliament thrown in.
anonymous @ 23.19
I’ll continue to donate to the British Legion in my own way as I have for some years.
Exactly where can you get one of those jobs simply thrown in?
Why should British troops have to depend on charity?
If the British government sends troops out to be maimed and killed, then it should pay for their wellbeing on their return.
And why should a local politician be derided for sticking up for our boys and the memory of those who lost their lives for Britain’s security?
Take your concerns up with the government and not a local politician who has stuck his neck above the parapet on the issue.