I have received a list of action points from council officers who are looking into the points raised at our recent walk around Carshalton village.
- Loading Bay in the High Street. Whilst nipping to the shops. several people were parked in these bays illegally despite there being spaces in the free parking bays. Since the shops load in the morning, I can see no reason why these can’t be mixed-use bays so people don’t get caught out.
- Planting in the High Street. The Council used to look after the planters outside the shops in Beacon Grove. Transport for London took this over. If we take this back, we can be more responsive to ensure that it is maintained well, keeping the High Street looking attractive.
- Promoting Business in the Village. I’ve long been a proponent for taking a more active role in shaping the High Street by working out what type of businesses we want to see there and going out and looking for them. The Council spends much of its time on Sutton High Street, often to the detriment of Carshalton, Wallington and other smaller business areas.
- The Square Car Park. Better signage and cheaper short-term parking would make this a useful resource for increasing visitor numbers to local shops. At the moment, cheap all-day parking attracts commuters.
- Scawen Wall. The old listed wall that runs along the southern boundary of the car park in The Square and through to Wallace Crescent with breaks, is in need of repair. The Council have not done the work because of questions over ownership of the wall. Eric and I have asked the officers to clarify this so that it can be repaired.
- Blocked Drains. The one benefit of the lousy weather that day was that we could see which drains were blocked. We identified four within a small area all needing cleaning or repair.
- Replacement railings. TfL removed the railings from outside Barclays and the pub opposite. A shopkeeper pointed out to us that the railings that had been put back outside the Coach and Horses no longer matched.
- Lime trees in The Square. We pointed out the fact that the Limes in this road were massive and needed cutting back. Residents have raised this especially over the summer.
- Mill Lane. Officers are going to look at the “concrete jungle” effect that the short pebbled paving areas create. Greenery may help break this up.
- Cambridge Road, Oxford Road, Harrow Road. We’ve asked for the junctions of these roads with Carshalton Road to be looked at to move some of the parked cars further up, clearing the entry/exits of these junctions and helping the traffic move more smoothly.
- Meadow Road, Croft Road. Parking on these corners restrict traffic flow. We’ve asked officers to see if yellow lines are wanted and would help the situation.
As ever, when the answers start to come back, they will be available to see here first.