A planning application to demolish the eyesore that is Victoria House in North Cheam, and build housing on the site, has finally been submitted.
The application is for four blocks ranging from four to ten storeys high, to provide 90 residential units (including 9 affordable units), with the potential for 282 occupants as well as retail space. There will be 55 parking spaces, 45 dedicated to residents, and 10 to be shared with shoppers. There will also be 4 parking spaces for retail outlets, 3 parking spaces for motorbikes and storage space for 96 bicycles.
You can view the plans online here by searching for the application number A2016/73710. The consultation period begun on 2nd March and closes on 1st April. You can comment on the proposed plans by writing to the London Borough of Sutton Planning Division at 24 Denmark Road, Carshalton, SM5 2JG, or by emailing developmentcontrol@sutton.gov.uk.
Speaking to residents, I understand that some concerns still remain about the height and design of the development, plus the lack of enough parking spaces. For years, Victoria House has been an eyesore on the skyline of North Cheam. Whilst we cannot have a development at any cost approach, there is also the need for Victoria House to be demolished and developed sometime soon. I will be following the debate carefully to make sure this important landmark site is returned to a state in which local residents can be proud.
I would urge residents to register their opinions with Sutton Council, and I am glad to see that we are one step closer to seeing this eyesore demolished.
Not emnough parking spaces overcrowding of schools and further pressure on doctors and dental practices plus building is a major eyesore!!
My initial reaction was thank goodness that eyesore is being demolished but in reality it’s being replaced with high storey buildings not enough parking and will put extra pressures on schools and services such as doctors and hospitals surely with the other residential sites currently under way in the nearby vicinity it would be feasible to go for a lower rise building development! Whilst I’m all for improving the local area and having witnessed a total regeneration of Wandsworth for the better I might add. Please ensure that this fully considers the impact on local services within the local area.
More overpriced matchbox sized flats to add to those being built on the Sutton Burger King site, Sutton Court Road, old gasworks site. No character, no imagination, no parking. Dismal.
Just get it demolished at least
We should never “settle” for this eyesore. We have become the Cinderella of Cheam. Let’s fight to get a decent development that we can feel proud of and one that compliments the other three corners. Cheam village is a good example of keeping the character of its existing surroundings.
Too many residents to parking spaces.
Obvious negative impact on all our schools, doctors etc.
I can not wait to see the derelict and dangerous building demolished, however the replacement should not be a different kind of eyesore. This has to fit into the community and the plans are too tall. There needs to be increase provision for school, Drs etc for all the new residents
The proposed development looks completely over the top and out of character with any Sutton districts other than central Sutton.
Any new development must be closely in keeping with current local provisions and style and most definitely nowhere near the 10 floors proposed on some of the blocks. Developments of this nature may have a place in central London or the Docklands area, but not in North Cheam.
It is also important the development includes a greater number of affordable dwellings as well as a greater ratio of residential parking as this could easily be accomplished by providing underground parking as part of the complex.
We hope our local MP and the Council listen to the views of local residents and oppose the current proposal.
Totally agree with most of the comments, especially too tall, not enough
parking, nowhere near enough affordable housing. Did we really need
another supermarket in Sutton so close to Asda, when we definately need more housing?
I actually think this development is the worst of the lot. Too tall, the parking is insufficient (previous plans included basement parking) and looking at the size of the retail outlets, I think they will struggle to rent them. Previous plans showed good sized retail outlets that could be combined into larger ones. I appreciate that the owners of the site need to make a profit but this appears to be over the top. The original design made much more sense and whilst out of proportion with the other buildings in the area at least tried to pay tribute to the architecture.
Regarding the Victoria House development, I don’t think we should be too grateful for just anything replacing the existing monstrosity, if that replacement then adds not only unsuitably high development, but also even more parking problems impacting on local roads and residents. The crossroad position has excellent public transport links, but you can’t insist on new residents being car-free.
We are in danger of replacing an eyesore with an ongoing irritant.
A cunning developers plan. Make something horrible enough for long enough and cream the maximum cash out of the plot describing it as an improvement. They made it horrible, why are they not being held to account for its current state rather than being rewarded for neglect.
Has anyone had a chance to look at the new revised plans for Victoria house. I see no difference in fact it looks taller. The green spaces will be a magnet for undesirables. Why do planners never listen to the local community. Money that’s why. Another ugly building