You may find it easier than you think to report something to the Council, such as a road that needs to be swept, pothole in the road, bins that have not been collected, an abandoned vehicle, etc.
You can always call the Council’s contact centre on 020 8770 5000 or you can probably report it online by looking on the Council’s list of services here:
If you have a complaint about a service that the Council provides not outlined in the sections of the ‘Quick Help Guide’, then you can go down their official complaints procedure.
To do that you will need to submit a ‘Stage One’ complaint, where the relevant department will investigate and get back to you. If you are unsatisfied with the response you can escalate it to a ‘Stage Two’ complaint where a senior officer, not previously involved in your case, will investigate and get back to you. If you remain unsatisfied with the outcome, you can escalate your complaint to the Local Government Ombudsman (LGO). To start the complaints process, visit
If you need this information for another Council, check their website or get in touch.