I have just made a speech in Parliament as part of a debate on domestic abuse in the family courts.
Recently I met with Women’s Aid to discuss problems with the family court system, such as domestic abuse victims being cross-examined by their absuers in court. I have supported their campaign to put Children First in family court.
Their report, Nineteen Child Homicides, outlines the very upsetting cases of a parent who was known to the police and/or social services, being giv…en contact to a child by the courts and went on to kill their child.
This is sadly not unheard of here in Sutton. The tragic murder of Sutton girl, Ellie Butler, shocked people here and across the UK. It was especially saddening to hear that the courts put her back in the care of her father, who had a history of violence and abuse, and even prevented social services doing their job.
Today I called for more action to be taken to make family courts safe for domestic abuse victims, and for the primary focus in child contact cases to be the interests and safety of the child, not parental contact at all costs.
You can watch my speech here.
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