Last Sunday, the Politics Show on BBC featured Sutton as a Council in London pioneering Smarter Travel Sutton. This is an initiative from Transport of London, with money bid for using the support of both parties in Sutton. It fits with our philosophy of encouraging people to do the right thing rather than using the stick. It fits less well with the rigid anti-car policies of the Liberal Democrats.
My main issue with the Liberal Democrat Council is that they have run out of their own ideas, living off their legacy of past glories rather than building on it. There comes a time for nearly every political adminstration where they forget why they sought election in the first place, complacently defending their actions from an ivory tower. We have reached that place in Sutton. The political administration is buffered by an excellent team of officers running the corporate council on a day to day basis. Many of the mistakes when residents see red are as a result of political interference. Councillors should be elected to enhance the Council not hinder it.
I hope that you see with the pledges that I am posting and the full 100 pledges of the main manifesto that we want to build on the good things that the Council do, eliminating the bad including the waste within the Civic Offices and the poor decisions made without consulting residents. Sutton is a good place to live, but it can be so much better. We need some fresh thinking to make this happen. The Conservatives have the new ideas to bring positive change to Sutton.
Ruth Dombey is clearly an expert at Bullsh*t Bingo:
“Dialogue with residents”
“Listening to what residents are saying”
“It’s about trust”
I’ve never heard anyone be quite so economical with the actualité regarding the level of dialogue that the Lib Dem councillors really have with Sutton residents. Umpteen ‘consultations’ and ‘surveys’ over the last few years prove that Ruth Dombey will say anything – even untruths – to save her electoral skin. A few dozen responses from 180,000 residents does not constitute “listening to what residents are saying”.
The only time they listened to what residents were saying was when it would have been an electoral disaster for them not to.
And it’s nice to know that the LibDems built every brick of BedZed themselves.
It beggars belief.