Just got back from a long planning meeting. Several residents turned up to object to this application. Eric spoke well about the level of local discontent. As a committee member I treat each application very seriously retaining an open mind as is expected of me. I voted against the application for the same reason that I did the last. It is too big, does nothing for the streetscape and will affect an already busy road. I felt that the developers had barely moved from their last rejected application. The second application is currently on appeal.
Two other planning matters. I joined the other councillors in rejecting the proposed flats on the Texaco site, mainly because of the oddity of retaining half a house, perfectly bisected with a false chimney added looking down West Street. This doesn’t sit well in a conservation area. Not a bad application but more work needed.
Finally I have just read the Guardian where an article says that another application is coming for the Wentworth Hall mosque on Woodstock Road. Watch out for developments.